This is the automation revolution that is already changing and improving a long line of organizational processes in all industries.Unsurprisingly, this revolution has been making its way into labs in recent years as well."Already today we see that not only large laboratories of commercial entities are implementing automated systems in their content," explains Danny Shachar, CEO of Bioanalytics, which provides equipment and creative solutions to laboratories. " The sea and the drink. "1. Systems for measuring organic and general carbon (TOC - Total Organic Carbon) and general nitrogen (TN-Total Nitrogen)"These devices take a liquid sample by an auto-sampler, and put it in a reactor that burns it to test its components. Special detectors monitor the levels of carbon and nitrogen and the device can perform dozens of samples every day and in a short time," explains Danny.In addition, robots of this type can perform a variety of types of tests, depending on the need of the laboratory, including: pH, EC, Titrations, Turbidity, Color and more.Bioanalytics Visit Website >> Phone: 072-2429555 Water and Fertilizer Analysis Systems >> Robotic Systems >> TOC TN Systems >>