Regarding the interpretation of American foreign policy in recent years, two dominant - mutually opposing theses have existed in the world for a long time:the first, which believes that American politics has become irrational, that it makes novice "missteps" and that it has completely "lost its compass";and the second, which believes that it was strategically thought out in its entirety, ie.that every move by Washington is previously deeply analyzed and that this analysis then contains clearly determined goals, challenges, threats and possible consequences, and that it ensures models according to which they will be most adequately responded to with the aim of preserving vital American national interests - geopolitical , geosecurity and geoeconomic.My position is that the truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle, ie.that certain elements from both of the stated extreme positions can easily be found in the actions of the last American administrations (let's not go deeper into the past) - from Obama's "era", through Trump's, to the current Biden's.But still, from a logical point of view, that is, looking at the results achieved and the current position of the USA in the world, the second thesis seems more correct to me.The Obama administration had a number of major foreign policy blunders, such as those related to the initiation of so-called revolutions.of the Arab Spring, which devastated the Middle East, raised terrorism to the level of an almost acceptable pattern of action (it is enough to recall the very name of the terrorist organization "Islamic State", which emerged with fire and sword, in front of the eyes of the whole world, creating no less but the state territory - the caliphate, and no one really wanted to oppose it, let's be honest, until the Russian military intervention in Syria at the invitation of the government in Damascus, whose days were already numbered because they are in front of the walls of ancient Damascus, ready for the final breach of its gates , cocked like rifles, jihadists of all kinds and names - from ISIL, through Al-Qaeda, to its affiliates Jabhat al-Nusra and who else - were waiting.At the same time, quite often, all of them were shown in the same context with the so-calledmoderate Syrian opposition, which, after all, for the most part very quickly merged with radical Islamist organizations on the common platform of overthrowing the "undemocratic" Bashar Assad.Here, we should by no means ignore the extremely emphasized ideological narrative of both Obama administrations - such as the "gender" ideology and the "sacralization" of the term democracy, which has almost acquired the role of a modern religion around which and in the name of which it is permissible to do anything, while "god" is still , of course, money remained.Even now, that narrative has extremely negative connotations beyond the so-calledof the collective West (but to a considerable extent also within it) where the dominant so-calledtraditional values - so it is quite certain that it has a bad effect on the promotion of American interests in the world.Such ideological "acrobatics" are simply foreign to all non-Western civilizations, and to many of them completely repulsive, and when they are imposed on them by force, in an irritating package together with human rights - it is clear that there is absolutely no room for sympathy for American politics. too much.It is unnecessary to talk about the Trump administration: if he had good intentions, Trump did not know them, and probably (much earlier) he could not even implement them due to the enormous resistance within the powerful American "deep state" which eventually dethroned him in the elections, at to put it mildly, strange circumstances (various anti-Trump uprisings, counter-attacks by Trump supporters on Congress, its obstruction by key media, dirty campaign and electoral manipulations of unimaginable European democracies, etc.).I would say: Trump, contrary to all expectations, won an opportunity for himself, but they didn't let him use it.During his tenure, he still succeeded in something: with his uncompromising style, he shook the world to its foundations, after which it could no longer remain the same.And finally, the Biden administration.Arriving on the momentum of absolute anti-Trumpism, she had a good chance to bring America back to the world - terrified of the "unconventional" Trump.But instead of offering a true hand of cooperation, the Biden administration with a fig in its pocket and fake smiles continued the policy of exclusively implementing American national interests (which Trump did openly), not caring too much about the interests of its closest allies.That is how it first subdued the EU, imposing American interests as primary and their protection as mandatory."Eurocrats", I guess, tortured by four years of unpleasant quarrels with Trump, agreed to everything lightly and now they are where they are, together with the European Union.After that, Biden makes one good move: he withdraws the American army from Afghanistan, which many presidents before him wanted but did not dare to implement.However, it does so very unwieldy so that it resulted in the strengthening of mistrust in the US among US Middle Eastern partners whose security Washington has been guaranteeing for decades, so they further intensify cooperation with China and Russia.Due to the poorly conducted withdrawal from Afghanistan, which also had elements of panic, and due to the coming to power of the Taliban (their destruction was both the cause and the goal of the American military operation), in the USA, but also outside of it, an impression was created of a great American defeat, and parallels were drawn with that of the infamous Vietnam campaign.Overall, in a year and a half of rule, Biden, like no one before (including Trump), managed to "turn the world on its head": almost went to war with Russia, and now with China, destroyed Europe and strongly shook the American economy, from the biggest world producer of oil and gas (as the USA has become in the Trump administration) to make America an importer of energy products, and raise their prices to the sky, etc., etc.US Congress Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan last week can also be viewed through both opposing theses in assessing US foreign policy.For some it is madness and recklessness, for others it is a smart strategic move that shows China and the world how the US uncompromisingly fights for the values it promotes and that it protects all those who accept them (somehow this was also the official position of the White House around this controversial visit, which no one in the world doubts is not the result of the will of Pelosi herself, but exclusively of the will of the Washington administration).In my previous analysis, I announced that I believe this visit will take place despite serious Chinese warnings about its devastating consequences for US-Chinese relations and Beijing's strategic counter-response.Because Biden no longer had room to retreat.The visit was announced by Pelosi herself about a week before Biden's long-announced phone conversation with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, and it most certainly played the role of pressure that was supposed to soften certain Chinese positions that burden the relations of the two superpowers.If the talks were productive from the American point of view, Pelosi would have nothing to ask in Taiwan and provoke Beijing to a harsh reaction, which the latter would simply be forced to do because of its known positions on the Taiwan issue.However, the mentioned conversation did not bear any fruit, moreover, after it, Jinping publicly warned Washington not to "play with fire because you could burn yourself."In these and such circumstances, with a rating that has never been worse than that of any American president in history, at the time of the upcoming autumn congressional elections in which the Democrats are "blacked out", with the failure of negotiations with the Chinese leader, Biden would probably not survive politically and Pelosi canceling trip to Taiwan.The Republicans would immediately mark this as cowardice and a new embarrassment for America in the world, and thus perhaps deal the final blow to Biden, and thus to the Democrats as a whole.This is how Biden, in my opinion, achieved an American tactical but a Chinese strategic victory over the Taiwan issue.He probably gained some additional percentage points for the Democratic Party before the elections, but by no means decisive.Because for the Americans, Taiwan is the "last hole in the pipe", because of which they should also risk a war with great China.What is indisputable is that, with this act, Biden has turned Sino-Taiwanese, as well as American-Chinese relations into ruins.On the other hand, with this move by Washington, Beijing finally lost the last illusions that there is still hope for US-China cooperation for mutual benefit, and definitely realized that the US considers China exclusively in the context of the main global geopolitical rival and competitor - and in no other way. .And as the global geopolitical situation is now dramatically intensifying, Beijing will probably have to switch from a policy of "strategic patience" to a more aggressive policy towards Taiwan.Not by its own will, but by the will of Washington, which de facto cannot survive without inducing crises, which is what it does best.However, the risks have become too great, both for the world and for America.A US-China war will certainly not happen.It is completely unthinkable, as is the one between the USA and Russia.But the key change consists in the following: Moscow and Beijing, until not so long ago, always responded to inducing crises that were unpleasant for them by trying to reach an agreement with Washington.But since February 24 and the Russian intervention in Ukraine, everything has changed.It became visible how, instead of an agreement, Russia and China began to resolve such crises independently and decisively (and the Chinese reaction to the issue of Taiwan clearly points to this, through the implementation of large military exercises that clearly simulate the blockade of the island in a similar model as they once did (and successfully) carried out by the USA towards Cuba, introduced an embargo on the import of important Taiwanese products, all this with an open confrontational attitude towards Washington).This change will certainly avoid a global nuclear cataclysm through a direct collision with the USA, but it will lead to tectonic changes in the world that are now unstoppable, i.e.inevitable.I believe that the only real beneficiary of Biden's defiant "playfulness" with Taiwan is Russia.With it, the United States officially opened two fronts at the same time - both towards Russia and towards China, which undoubtedly facilitates Russian military action in Ukraine, at least in a psychological sense.At the same time, Moscow is already telling Beijing that it is only now believing what it has been warning it about since 2014 and the American opening of the Ukraine crisis, when Russia took the unpopular steps of appropriating Crimea and providing aid to pro-Russian separatist forces in the east of that country, which is why was punished by strict Western sanctions (we are watching the epilogue of that story right now).And she warned him that China was next in line, but also that Washington would not allow him to return Taiwan peacefully.Therefore, Biden could not have done anything better than sending Pelosi to Taiwan for Russia in the situation it is in now, but also for the further strengthening of the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership.That this is not just about my arbitrary assertions is also evidenced by the text of the respected pro-democracy columnist of The New York Times, Thomas Friedman, which was published on August 1 on the subject of Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.The author writes about that act as a catastrophic mistake of the Biden administration, with which, contrary to all postulates of American foreign policy, it opened two fronts simultaneously towards two world superpowers.He also says the following:"And if you think that we will be supported against China by our European allies, who are already facing a war of survival with Russia over Ukraine, then you are greatly mistaken about how the world works.… To boost Ukraine's chances of regaining lost territory, Biden and his national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, held a series of extremely tough meetings with the Chinese leadership, imploring Beijing not to get involved in the Ukrainian conflict or provide military aid to Russia, especially now that Putin's arsenal destroyed.exhausted in five months of hard fighting.… These are the basics of geopolitics: you cannot fight a war on two fronts with two superpowers at the same time….… But one thing hasn't changed – geography!Taiwan is still a tiny island with only 23 million people about 160 kilometers from the coast of giant China with 1.4 billion people who consider Taiwan part of their larger homeland.Those who forget geography end up badly," concludes Friedman.Now I will refer to another text, which inspired me the most for this analytical review.Moreover, it is so significant, not only because it comes from the mouth (pen) of one of the most respected American analysts at the moment, Harlan Ullman (he is a member of the so-called deep state; suffice it to say that he is a senior advisor in probably the most influential American think tank, the Atlantic Council ), but much more because of the content itself, which has elements of real drama regarding the situation in which America found itself, both within itself and abroad.It is about the text of the mentioned author published on July 25 in The Hill media, entitled The ugly America, at home and abroad ( home-and-abroad/).The author first draws parallels with the literary and film bestseller of the same name from 1958, "a precursor of sorts to what would become the Vietnam War and the absolute failure of American politics, strategy and diplomacy."And then he switches to the present and states that "the portrait of this ugly American has metastasized into ugly America, because in many parts of the globe most people now view this country that way" and "what's worse, the label of ugly America also refers to how we look at ourselves".Many Americans "do not understand reality," the author continues."We still consider ourselves the leader of the free world.But on the international level, the USA is closely watched, in some cases it is feared, and in others it is not trusted.The United Nations General Assembly's vote to condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine reflects this imbalance.Many of the most populous and powerful countries, including China, Brazil, India and Mexico, abstained or voted against the resolution."The author describes the internal situation in the USA as "anger, violence, disrespect and lack of culture" which have "replaced consensus, decency, truth and fact", and states that 75 to 85 percent of Americans believe that the country is going in the wrong direction and that the current ( and former) presidents and Congress have the lowest approval ratings in history."The nation may be more polarized than at any time since 1861.""The answer to why the world views America less favorably lies in a combination of arrogance, ignorance and a succession of presidents who lacked the necessary experience, judgment and, in at least one case, character to be commander-in-chief.From the debacle in Vietnam to the failed Afghan evacuation last year, US presidents ... have all failed to varying degrees.The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2003, the collapse of relations with China and Russia, the vast disparity in wealth in the US, and the absence of plans or strategies on nearly every issue, including energy, Social Security, the environment, immigration, voting rights, and national security are among the symptoms. are the ugly Americas and the danger of getting even uglier.The January 6th riots and then-President Trump's misbehavior in refusing to call out the rebels, many of whom believed they were following his instructions, are a stain on this nation.It is uncertain whether the former president has committed any criminal acts and whether he will be charged.But this is far from America's finest hour.And Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping will certainly take advantage of this disastrous situation.The most important question is not how to reduce inflation and gas prices, as important as they are."The most urgent question is how America can get out of this ugliest situation," says Ullman.At the same time, he also answers what should be done in a hurry because of all this in the USA, but he seems almost utopian, especially from the perspective of the Republicans, but also of Biden's latest destructive foreign policy moves.Why, find out from the continuation of the text:"First, American leadership and competence must be demonstrated at home and abroad.America has only one president, and that is Joe Biden.He must gather congressional leaders at Camp David and lock himself inside until agreement is reached on three or four key issues that will turn the nation around.One of the most important is how to get Congress to work and find common sense and bipartisan solutions."One of the leading American analysts goes on to state what we, as geopolitical analysts, are most interested in and which is almost revolutionary in nature, almost a real "blasphemy" in relation to the current foreign policy of the Biden administration and the Democrats as a whole for many years.Thus, the author, correctly diagnosing key American problems, immediately offers a remedy, and concludes the following:"Second, the US must assert its leadership abroad.Biden needs a summit with Putin and with Xi.Just as Biden accepted the (negative, op. ZM.) reaction due to his meeting with Muhammad bin Salman in Saudi Arabia, he must do the same with Putin (both, I remind you, he publicly declared murderers, op. ZM).The topic is how to reverse adversarial and hostile relationships that help no one.The abolition of tariffs with China and the creation of new security relations with Russia in Europe, which would include an end to the war in Ukraine, are vitally important."It certainly takes personal courage to write something like this, although Ullman is undoubtedly powerful and protected enough, and he is certainly not alone in such attitudes within the powerful Washington circles in which he moves (after all, he is a high-ranking associate of the Atlantic Council).But if something similar came from the pen of the European media and analytical circles here, the "Eurobureaucrats" and their vassals would immediately "satanize" the potential author and the media that dared to publish such a thing, and would definitely classify them as Russian propagandists and Putin's agents. .Personally, I am often exposed to it (precisely because of the presentation of almost identical views expressed in his text by a respected American analyst) by ill-intentioned, but mostly just insufficiently educated and informed people (whom I therefore forgive).This is also the best answer to the extremely dark perspective in which the European Union found itself, and with it all the member states, whose public servants are almost forbidden to think for themselves, publicly express "inconvenient" views, even individual - well-known truths, and all that, paradoxically - in the name of democracy.The same one, which I marked in the upper part of the text as a new religion, around which everything revolves and in the name of which it is permissible to do just about anything.Of course, this is not democracy in the true sense of the word.It is a dictatorship wrapped in cellophane, masked from the outside in the noble principles of true democracy and human rights, and rotten from the inside, and soon, we hope, completely stripped to the bone.In the name of a better and more just world, to which, at least instinctively, we all strive, regardless of religion, race, nation, gender.