U.S. Air Force Logo

2022-06-10 22:49:29 By : Mr. UG Best

Converge LLC founder and Managing Partner, Matthew Kennedy shakes hands with Col. Sean Riley, 102nd Intelligence Wing Commander upon the transfer of ownership of the Joint Base Cape Cod water and wastewater systems to Converge LLC. This comes after over two years of negotiations between the Company, the Massachusetts Air National Guard and the United States Air Force. The systems have been under the management and control of the Massachusetts Air National Guard since the operations of the base’s infrastructure were transferred to it by the Air Force in the mid-1970’s.

JOINT BASE CAPE COD, MA -- The United States Air Force has entered into an agreement to officially transfer ownership of the Joint Base Cape Cod water and wastewater systems to Converge LLC after over two years of negotiations between the Company, the Massachusetts Air National Guard and the United States Air Force. The systems have been under the management and control of the Massachusetts Air National Guard since the operations of the base’s infrastructure were transferred to it by the Air Force in the mid-1970’s. The Air Force has been attempting to divest these assets for over 10 years, however, has been unable to find a suitable partner until now. “This is a tremendous accomplishment for the Massachusetts Air National Guard and the Air Force. Managing utilities is not part of our core competencies; this divestment will allow our people to focus more on their primary military missions,” said Col. Sean Riley, 102nd Intelligence Wing Commander. The agreement, signed by Robert Moriarty, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Headquarters Air Force and Converge LLC founder and Managing Partner, Matthew Kennedy, on 24 May, 2022 represents a first of its kind in terms of the exchange of utility systems for the construction of a new facility. Kennedy notes, “This innovative transaction represents the first step in public-private partnership, among state, local and federal government as well as the private sector to address the significant water quality issues facing Cape Cod. We look forward to working with all stakeholders to best utilize these assets to meet the needs not only of Joint Base Cape Cod, but also, the entire upper cape community”. Converge has selected American States Utility Services, Inc. (ASUS), a leader in water and wastewater services, to operate and maintain these systems. In exchange for the water and wastewater systems, the USAF will receive a fitness facility to be built on Joint Base Cape Cod for members of the Air National Guard. A formal ceremony will be scheduled at a later date to commemorate this transfer. “We will be working very closely with Converge and ASUS over the next few months to ensure that this transition is smooth and timely,” said Col. Timothy Gordon, 102nd Intelligence Wing Vice Commander. The 102nd Intelligence Wing performs intelligence processing, exploitation and dissemination by analyzing and interpreting information from manned and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft as well as signals within the cyberspace domain; transforming this material into decision quality intelligence. Analysts rapidly disseminate this intelligence across the globe to decision makers for use in the planning and execution of operations. Our communications engineering and installation mission represents the planning, designing and installing of critical communication infrastructure, available wherever and whenever needed. Support missions like security and medical make the 102nd Intelligence Wing a fully capable unit, prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century.