Match the IQ-crammed quote to the character!
The Netflix TV series Never Have I Ever is about an Indian teenager who struggles with social interactions, cultural specificities, and most importantly, anger issues caused by the loss of her father at a very young age. Devi Vishwakumar tried to control her mixed emotions by targeting her attention to the hot teenagers, like Paxton Hall Yoshida. The little guy got the bod, and Ben Gross, Devi’s second love interest got the brains.
Ben was a competitive bookworm or as his classmates used to call him - Young Sheldon-looking dude. In fact, Ben Gross' character is a little Sheldon Cooper-inspired. Well, where do we begin? Both Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory and Ben Gross from Never Have I Ever are super smart, super condescending. They loved to play video games and, of course, chit-chat in Mandarin. Ben was obviously better at Mandarin, but Sheldon was a master of theoretical physics.
The similarity of these characters is striking despite their huge age difference and academic background. Ben’s dream was to go to Columbia, while Sheldon claimed to be an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy. With this info in mind, let’s try to match the quote to the right know-it all. How many will you get correct?
Aimee Klapisch hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.
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