Shaquille O’Neal Reveals Secret To Dealing With Astronomical Gas Prices: “When It Gets To Half, Put $20 Dollars In” | Whiskey Riff

2022-06-10 22:51:52 By : Ms. Nora liao

Country music is the lifeblood of Whiskey Riff, and we pride ourselves on standing firmly in the corner of the independent artists, and those few in the mainstream still doing it the right way. Whether it’s Waylon, Willie and legends of the past, or superstars in the making like Zach Bryan, our finger is always on the pulse of true country music. From Texas to Tennessee, Appalachia to Bakersfield, Whiskey Riff is THE unapologetic voice of the country music fan.

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I’ll admit, these gas prices are a damn nightmare.

Gas is $3.90 a gallon here in South Carolina (which is known for having the lowest gas prices in the country, that’s about it).

To my knowledge, it’s the highest it’s ever been in my lifetime, and when you drive a Yukon like me, I feel like I have to donate a kidney to simply fill up half my tank.

I know there’s a lot of stuff outside of the United States’ control, but I’m sure I speak for a lot of people when I say that our wallets are taking a beating every time we go to the pump.

However, if there’s ever one un-masked hero out there to always give us a piece of mind, it’s good ol’ Shaquille O’Neal, the man of the people.

On yesterday’s edition of TNT’s Inside the NBA, the group discussed the quickly rising gas prices, and how it’s costing them about $80+ to fill up their vehicles.

That’s when Shaq gave some solid advice on how to maintain the current situation.

He insists that instead of waiting ’til that gas-meter almost hits zero, and having to refill the tank for another $80, simply go to the gas station whenever you’re around half full, put in $20 bucks, and repeat the process, so you never have to worry about that big scary price on the pump.

It does make sense, as the average American person typically fills their tank up once a week, and I’ll be the first to say it’s incredibly deflating whenever you see $80 to triple digits pop up on the pump, so this could be a solid way to never have to worry about it again.

That’s a lot of weekly gas station trips, but I’ll give it a try.

This is — and I can’t stress this enough — the greatest segment to come from a sports broadcast that I have ever seen in my entire life

— Charlotte Wilder (@TheWilderThings) March 7, 2022

It ain’t the first time they’ve had this conversation…

"We're going on like 3 or 4 years of having this conversation." 😂@SHAQ is STILL arguing about gas tank math.

— NBA on TNT (@NBAonTNT) April 23, 2021

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A post shared by Whiskey Riff Shop (@whiskeyriffshop)

Shaq out here being a bro.

The NBA legend was recently in an Atlanta-area jewelry store at the same time as a young man who was there to pay off his engagement ring.

Now, just seeing Shaq up close and in person would probably be pretty cool for the guy. But Shaq had a big surprise for him: He slid the cashier his credit card and paid off the man’s ring.

A post shared by Shaq Fu Radio️️️💪🏾 (@shaqfu_radio)

Shaq addressed his good deed on NBA on TNT after video of the interaction made its rounds on social media.

After some ribbing by his co-hosts for shopping at Zale’s (and a reminder from Shaq that he has his own jewelry line at the store), Shaq explained how it went down:

“I went in there to get some loop earrings and I seen a guy come in, he was just so shy. And he was saying ‘How much do I owe to pay off my ring?’ And I was like, ‘My man, how much is the ring?’ And I’m not going to say the amount but it’s not much to me…

The guy just came in and, you know, he was a young kid, he was a hardworking guy, and he was like ‘Hey man, I can come back next month and the next,’ like layaway… But I was like, ‘You know what, tell your girlfriend I got it. Take care of her.'”

Shaq said at first the young man didn’t want to accept the gift, but that he’s “into making people happy” and didn’t mean for video of the encounter to get out.

He also explained that it’s the kind of good deed that he tries to do every day to make people smile, mentioning that he also recently paid off some furniture for a woman with an autistic daughter who he saw out while he was furniture shopping.

And as somebody who just bought an engagement ring last year, I’m sure it means the world to this guy to finally be able to buy the ring so that he can pop the question to his girlfriend without having to worry about how he’s going to pay for it.

And now he’s not only going to have an engagement ring and a fiancée, but he’s going to have a pretty cool story to tell about how it all happened.