Thousands of Dead Fish in SIER Reservoir, Surabaya City Government Laboratory Tests, Prepare Sanctions if the Cause is Industrial WasteSURABAYA, - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) intervened to follow up on the findings of thousands of dead fish floating in the V SIER Reservoir.The Surabaya City Environmental Service immediately went to the location to collect reservoir water samples for laboratory testing."Earlier we together with PT SIER had gone to the location and took samples. So, PT SIER took samples to be tested in its own laboratory, and we also took samples for us to test at the Labkesda," said Head of the Surabaya City Environmental Service Agus Hebi Djuniantoro confirmed, Saturday (22/1/2022).Also read: Former U-16 National Team Player Ahmad Afi Lying Sick, PKK Surabaya Chairman: We Accompany Until HealedAccording to Hebi, when he went to the location, his team also had time to test samples using portable test equipment.As a result, it is known that Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is still within normal limits, and this indicates that the fish died not because of organic pollutants.However, his Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is high, and his Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is still being tested in the lab."This laboratory test will take more than a week, we will continue to coordinate with Labkesda so that it can be accelerated. What is certain is that we have submitted the samples to Labkesda," he said.Also read: Weather Forecast in Surabaya today, January 22, 2022In addition, his team also went straight to the vicinity of the reservoir to trace the alleged industry that released its waste into the reservoir.He also emphasized that if it is known that there are industries that release their waste into reservoirs, there are several stages that will be carried out.According to him, there are already rules regarding this matter, including sanctions."So, we are waiting for the results of the laboratory tests first," he said.Also read: Surabaya City Government Gives Access to Free HIV Tests, Valid for Residents Outside the RegionPreviously, several video clips showing thousands of dead fish and pulled over in a reservoir located in the SIER Surabaya industrial complex, have gone viral on social media since Friday (21/1/2022).The recorder planned to fish in the reservoir, when he arrived at the location he found many dead fish and pulled over at the edge of the reservoir."Even the fish sweeps to death, even though it is known as the strongest fish. What is this," said the video recorder.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.