PMKS PT PAA Suspected of Polluting the Environment, KLHK RI Gives Administrative Sanctions – RIAU24JAM.COM

2022-03-24 03:20:15 By : Ms. Lydia Wu

Duri, – It has been a long time since we heard about it, the Palm Oil Factory of PT Pelita Agung Agrindustri (PMKS PT PAA) reportedly received a Decree (SK) from the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) of the Republic of Indonesia.Yes, PT PAA is reported to have been sanctioned for alleged environmental pollution due to the inadequacy of the wastewater treatment system from the production of processed palm oil.Based on SK number 7848/MenLHK-PHLHK/PPSA/GKM.0/12/2021 which was stipulated in Jakarta, December 6, 2021, it was stated that PT PAA, which operates in Bumbung Village, Bathin Solapan District, Bengkalis Regency - Riau, received administrative sanctions in the form of government coercion on PT PAA."Decided: (First) To stipulate administrative sanctions imposed by the government on the person in charge of PT PAA with the type of industry or PMKS activity, refinery, kernel crushing plant, biodiesel and PMDN generators.(Second) The violation or non-compliance as referred to includes the results of testing the quality of the PAA factory wastewater exceeding the quality standard with the parameters of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) of 265Mg/L, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 694Mg/L, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 1340Mg/ L and Total Nitrogen as N 216Mg/L,” the dictum of the decision was written in a decree signed by the Director General (Dirjen) of Law Enforcement (Gakkum) for Environment and Forestry through the Secretary to the Director General, Sugeng Priyanto.Also explained, the results of testing the quality of the refinery wastewater by or at the PT ALS Laboratory are said to exceed the quality standard with parameters Total Phosphate 76.8Mg/L, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 630Mg/L, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 1280Mg/L and Oil -Grease 59Mg/L.It is clearly stated in the Second Dictum that it is suspected that there has been a leakage of sewerage caused by dredging work on the PKS waste water channel at coordinates 01° 25' 30.34” North Latitude (LU), 101° 11' 24.08” East Longitude ( BT).In addition, PMKS PT PAA is said to have failed to carry out the obligation to manage hazardous, smelly and toxic (B3) waste based on the Technical Recommendation for a temporary storage permit for B3 waste from the Bengkalis Regency Environmental Service (DLH) number 660/DLH-PSLB3/2019/893 dated 30 July 2019 ago."There is expired B3 waste in the form of hydrochloric acid (HCL) stored in chemical warehouse I, Sludge IPAL (B343-2) was found from basic refinery/oleochemical activities disposed of to the PMKS wastewater treatment plant (IPAL), B3 waste storage in the form of Glycerine Pitch ( A343-1) is not listed in the permit," he added.The most striking thing in the decree is the action of PT PAA's PMKS which does not carry out B3 waste management obligations in the form of: Ownership of standard operating procedures (SOP) for emergency response handling of B3 and B3 management reports to environmental agencies.Based on the Bengkalis Regent's Decree No. 061/Lingungan/DPMPSP-PZN/2017/54 regarding the permit to dispose of waste water into PT PAA's water sources for a maximum of 60 calendar days. .PT PAA is also asked to optimize wastewater treatment at the WWTP, so that the quality of the wastewater discharged into the environmental media can meet the wastewater quality standards in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.“Repairing the leaking sewer at coordinates 01° 25' 30.34” North Latitude (LU), 101° 11' 24.08” East Longitude (BT), conducting wastewater testing at an accredited laboratory, disposing of waste water It has been processed at the structuring point and separates the sewerage from the rain channel," the government insisted on the decree.The obligation to manage B3 waste is also emphasized, this is in line with the obligation to store B3 in the right place, stop the disposal of WWTP Sludge from basic refinery/oleochemical activities to PT PAA's PMKS WWTP and manage B3 waste from basic refinery activities in the form of Sludge.Emphasizing that B3 waste data must be included in the form of Glycerine Pitch (A343-1) in the technical approval for B3 waste management, as well as attaching symbols and labels to B3 waste packaging," he said.It is stated that the implementation of the B3 waste management obligation is no later than 30 calendar days with the final result, PMKS PT PAA is expected to have an emergency response SOP for handling B3 and produce and report B3 management to the local environmental agency."If the government's coercion as referred to in the third and fifth dictums is not implemented, the person in charge of the business and/or activity will be subject to legal sanctions in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations," reads the sixth dictum.Regarding the decree, the PMKS Management of PT PAA, which was confirmed through Syaiful's Public Relations at +62-821-693X-XXXX, has not yet responded as a balance of information.In addition to PT PAA's PMKS, other companies in the alleged violation of the same have also been dealt with by the government, and even revoked their business licenses and environmental permits.It is PT SIPP's PMKS which operates in Kilometer (Km) 6 Jalan Rangau, Pematang Pudu Village, Mandau – Duri District.The company has already been prosecuted for alleged environmental pollution due to exposure to waste and is currently being investigated by the KLHK RI Gakkum team.As a result, the company did not move and eventually collapsed.The chimneys that used to be billowing and billowing were no longer in operation, and the traffic of trucks carrying oil palm fruit was no longer visible.The government's firmness on the alleged violations committed is not without compassion.Enforcement roared from various directions, until finally the revocation of business licenses and environmental permits.So, will PT PAA's PMKS follow the dark trail of PT SIPP Duri?**Get the latest information about Riau, National and the World at - 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