New Automated Continuous Mercury Monitor Envirotech Online

2022-06-18 17:16:01 By : Mr. HUANG YONG

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Since 1978, Nippon Instruments Corporation (NIC) has been the trusted brand and source of premium mercury analysers to various industries across the globe. 

NIC are pleased to announce their latest product, the new generation Automated Continuous Mercury Monitor AM-6F will be showcased at the 15th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant.

This conference seeks to assess solutions to reduce mercury emissions and subsequent exposure as the conference hosts representatives from industry, government, research institutions, non-governmental organizations, and academia. Measurement of Gaseous Mercury in ambient air not just allow monitoring and understanding the level of pollution, it can help each party to decide and formulate policies to take concrete actions to protect the environment and humans from mercury exposure. So, NIC is excited to have our AM-6F to be a part of this exhibition.

NIC AM-6F is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to perform unattended monitoring of Gaseous Elemental Mercury in ambient air, continuously and remotely. With the robust Japanese engineering concept design, the AM-6F measures Gaseous Elemental Mercury, which is believed to be the main source of Hg pollution in the atmosphere, including in pristine areas like the Arctic region.

Check out Our Story here - A trusted brand, NIC relies on the company’s 40+ years history of impeccable results and ever-innovative and reliable Japanese technology. During this event, NIC will also showcase various mercury analysers and streamlined solutions for various environmental samples, such as water and soil, which are the main concerns in Hg pollution.

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