MANTECH introduces 15-Minute COD analysis for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities.

2022-07-29 22:03:50 By : Ms. Rose long

PeCOD is a nanotechnology based approach for Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) analysis that overcomes the limitations of current COD analysis methods for municipal wastewater applications.

MANTECH INC., today announced the launch of PeCOD®, a patented nanotechnology based approach for Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) analysis that overcomes the limitations of current COD analysis methods for municipal wastewater applications.

Facility operators now have the ability to rapidly understand incoming waste streams that can vary in COD load, often over short time periods. Rapid analysis of COD at secondary stage treatment facilities enables aeration to be optimized and minimizes the challenges associated with unexpectedly high COD loads. PeCOD® technology provides wastewater plant operations staff with unprecedented access to COD information in terms of time, accuracy and safety. It is the fastest available COD analysis method, with results generated in just 15 minutes vs several hours.

With PeCOD®, operators no longer have to undertake potentially hazardous operations such as digesting samples with boiling sulphuric acid containing dichromate, mercury and silver salts (the “dichromate method” of COD analysis). Leading global regulatory agencies have already taken action to either ban or limit the use of the dichromate chemical in Europe and Ontario, Canada.

“PeCOD® is the fastest available method to quantify COD from a wide variety of waste streams, offering users unparalleled access to accurate information to make impactful process control decisions”, said Robert Menegotto, President and CEO of MANTECH. “The technology is currently in use at nearly 100 industrial and laboratory facilities around the world and with this launch, we expect to secure our first municipal wastewater clients in the near future.” The core of the PeCOD® unit is a nanotechnology based sensor, which consists of a UV-activated nanoparticale TiO2 (titanium dioxide) photocatalyst. The high electrochemical potential of the TIO2 gives it a substantial advantage over the modest chemical potential generated by the dichromate method commonly used for COD analysis.

The PeCOD® approach measures photocurrent charge originating from the oxidation of organic species contained in a sample to qualify. The result is that the user obtains the most accurate measurement of organic pollution, in less than 15 minutes, with no use of dichromate or other hazardous chemicals.

MANTECH INC., is the global leader in simplifying laboratory operations for institutional, municipal and industrial sectors worldwide. Through its proven portfolio of automated multi-parameter, titration, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) instrumentation solutions, MANTECH is creating value for its clients by reducing costs and increasing safety, while reducing sample analysis time. Over 1,700 MANTECH systems are in use in 45 countries.

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