Sampit River Sample Test Results Come Out Please Ask Pks To Do This |ClickKalteng

2022-08-19 22:24:49 By : Ms. Beulah Bai

Klik.SAMPIT - In connection with the alleged pollution of the Sampit River, North Mentaya Hilir District (MHU) which emerged in early June 2022, the Environmental Service (DLH) finally released the results of the sample test from the river water.And the results stated that the Sampit River was confirmed to be lightly polluted.For this reason, the Head of DLH Kotim, Machmoer, gathered 4 palm oil companies (PKS) which are considered to have a role in this problem.The DLH also asked PKS to take a number of actions so that river pollution does not get worse."We have held a meeting with the PKS, we gave them 5 recommendations for action and they agreed to fulfill it," he said, Wednesday (3/8).Meanwhile, from a number of samples taken from 5 different locations all stated the presence of light pollution.This refers to the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Indonesia number 5 of 2014 concerning Wastewater Quality Standards for Palm Oil Business and/or Industrial Activities which consists of 7 parameters, namely BOD, COD, TSS, oils and fats, total nitrogen, pH, and water discharge.From the report on the results of the sample testing at the water laboratory, PT Unilab Perdana Jakarta, and the DLH analysis, it shows that the water quality of the Sampit River at the sampling location is in a lightly polluted condition with parameters exceeding the quality standard, namely BOD and COD."To prevent this light pollution from increasing to moderate or severe pollution, and to maintain water quality, we recommend preventive measures to the PKS concerned," he said.The preventive measures include, among others, the company cleaning the WWTP pool and raising the embankment as well as repairing the embankment.The company cleans and deepens the rorak-rorak pool from oil palm branches.Next, the company cleans the leachate from the pile of latrines and solit that will flow into the drainage.The company clears the tributaries of wild plants that block the flow of river water to the Sampit River.The company was asked to clean the drainage from weeds.Meanwhile, the 4 PKS involved are PT Global Alam Perkasa, PT Agro Bukit, PT Sapta Karya Damai, and PT Mustika Sembuluh.The four PKS are asked to complete the 5 steps above within 90 calendar days, after the agreement.Furthermore, the DLH Kotim will verify to ensure that the PKS has carried out the request.(CLICK.RED)