Sample Test Results, Lingkis River is Not Polluted with Waste – SUMEKS.CO

2022-05-28 07:17:57 By : Ms. Jessie cui

SUMEKS.CO, KAYUAGUNG – The river in Lingkis Village, Jejawi District, Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) Regency is not polluted by company waste.Based on the results of laboratory tests after the sample is taken.Previously, it was suspected that the river was polluted by PT SUN Sawit waste.“The results of laboratory tests for products from PT SUN Palm oil do not exceed the quality standards and do not pollute the issued standards.So it is a standard that can be released into the river," said the Head of the OKI Regency Environmental Service, Aris Panani SP MSi, Wednesday (25/5).It was explained, for the 12 parameters analyzed starting from PH, BOD, COD, TSS, phosphate, oil and fat, detergent, manganese, iron, DO, nitrate, facial corfom (coli bacteria).READ ALSO: DLHK OKI Takes Lingkis River Water Samples, Allegedly Polluted by WasteREAD ALSO: DLHK OKI Takes Lingkis River Water Samples, Allegedly Polluted by WasteWhere indeed, from the facial corfom parameters, it contains a lot of animal waste so that the water is dirty and causes a lot of itching.So that this water is not suitable for public consumption, especially in the upstream area of ​​the Lingkis river or from sample 853 there are already 24 thousand people who have been polluted, in the middle of the Lingkis river sample 854 there are 2400 people who have been polluted and downstream of the Lingkis river there are 24000 that have been polluted. Next page : 1 2No more pages to load.