JAKARTA, Fraksigerindra.id — Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Gerindra Faction Dwita Ria Gunadi inaugurated the Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPAL) at Miftahul Ulum Al-Musri' 2 Islamic Boarding School, Sumberjaya Village, Waway Karya, East Lampung, Tuesday, 6/9/2022.The domestic WWTP, which includes MCK facilities, was built through the Aspiration Path of Members of the DPR from the Gerindra Party with their partners in Commission IV of the DPR RI, namely the Directorate General of Pollution and Environmental Damage Control, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (PPKL-KLHK).The WWTP is intended to treat wastewater originating from MCK and kitchen activities at the Islamic Boarding School, as part of environmental management efforts, particularly water pollution control.In her statement, Dwita Ria hopes, “water from the IPaL that has been managed can be reused.Considering that the performance of WWTP is able to reduce the pollutant load by about 90%, for parameters BOD, COD, TSS.So it can be used for fish ponds,".