DKI Jakarta Collaborates with IPB: Thousands of Dead Fish in Kalibaru Not Due to the Offal of Animals Sacrificial Eid Al Adha - engteco_news

2022-07-29 21:58:43 By : Ms. Sales Team

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The DKI Jakarta Environment Agency (DLH) confirmed that the mass death of broomfish in the Kalibaru River, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta some time ago was not due to the waste of the sacrifice."If the cause of death is suspected to be the disposal of sacrificial waste, then this could happen to many rivers in DKI Jakarta," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Service Asep Kuswanto in his statement in Jakarta, Friday, July 29, 2022.This, said Asep, was based on a study conducted by his party in collaboration with the Environmental Research Center of the Bogor Agricultural University (PPLH IPB) to investigate the cause of the death of broom fish in the East Kalibaru River, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta."However, because the mass mortality of fish only occurred on a local scale in one section of the East Kalibaru River, there is a possibility of unusual events in the form of waste disposal with a very large discharge or a very high concentration of waste, which then spreads directly into the river section which can lead to a caused a drastic change in water quality, so that it became the cause of mass death of broomstick fish that live in the area," he said.For this study, Asep said that after the mass death of broomstick fish in the East Kalibaru River on July 11, 2022, a team from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environment Service conducted an investigation by taking samples of river water at the scene on the same day which were then taken to the laboratory. Regional Environment (LLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province for further analysis.From the results of the analysis, he continued, there was indeed a sharp increase in values ​​on the day of the incident for several water quality parameters when compared to the data from the range of routine monitoring results and quality standards.DLH claims to regularly monitor water qualityDLH, said Asep, routinely monitors river water quality in four periods representing the rainy, dry and inter-seasonal transitions at 120 monitoring points throughout Jakarta.Several water quality parameters were found to have markedly increased, said Asep, including BOD which at the time of the incident was 68 mg/L (3 mg/L standard), COD 309 mg/L (25 mg/L quality standard), and Fecal Coliform 1,400,000 MPN/100ml (standard quality 1000 MPN/100ml)."Based on the study, it was concluded that the cause of the mass death of the broomfish, which was dominant there at that time, was strongly suspected to have come from unusual domestic activities, such as waste disposal with very large discharges or other special events," he said.Based on the findings, he said, further steps to be taken by the Environment Service were to carry out an inventory of sources of domestic pollution, whether originating from settlements, offices, small-medium scale industries, large-scale industries and other activities in the river segment."If the cause is more dominant than household activities, then the location can be a priority for making communal or eco-riparian WWTPs in collaboration with the Water Resources Service (SDA) and the City Parks and Forest Service (DPHK). domestic waste management," he added.Also read: Thousands of Dead Fish in Jakarta's New River, Allegedly Contaminated Innards of Animals Sacrificial Eid Al AdhaPSI DKI Jakarta expressed its concern because the dropout rate for Jakarta Elementary School (SD) is the highest in Indonesia.Citayam Fashion Week.This is a new phenomenon that hit Jakarta.Toman fish contains a lot of albumin, one of the important types of protein for the human bodyToman fish is a species of river, swamp, ditch and lake waters.This species is known as a large freshwater fish in Southeast AsiaAir polluted with B3 waste can actually be harmful to health.In fact, humans generally breathe air that contains these B3 waste pollutants.Residents of Bojong Kulur Village said that the Cileungsi River foaming and smelling of chemical waste was not the first time this had happened.Hazardous and Toxic Waste or B3 Waste can pollute, damage, endanger health, disturb the environment.What are the types?Data from the Task Force for Handling Covid-19 cases of Covid-19 in DKI Jakarta showed an additional 2,974 cases last Tuesday.Polda Metro is seriously discussing the regulation of working hours in Jakarta in order to reduce congestion in the capital city.Invite the ministry to participate in the discussion.Extortion is considered normal in funeral services.Even though this service is free, there is no charge.