Delhi Jal Board develops AI-run technology to clean sewage water | Mint

2022-07-22 21:57:43 By : Ms. yuye xu

This technology, called ISASMA-CD, has been introduced at four DJB plants at Yamuna Vihar and Okhla with the objective of reducing BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) and TSS (Total Suspended Solids) to less than 10 PPM (parts per million)

NEW DELHI : In a first, Delhi Jal Board (DJB) has developed a technology to treat water in its sewage treatment plants.  

This technology, called ISASMA-CD (Intelligence Self-Administered Self Monitored Automatic Chemical Dosing), has been introduced at four DJB plants at Yamuna Vihar and Okhla with the objective of reducing BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) and TSS (Total Suspended Solids) to less than 10 PPM (parts per million). 

Running with AI software, the technology shares real time data and monitors the health of the plant as well as machine and equipment. The plants are totally automatic and IOT (Internet of Things) based.

“The technology delivers a pictorial representation of the plants unit that are functioning which can be accessed on a web portal," said a DJB official. 

The Okhla based plants have 16 MGD (million gallons per day) and 45 MGD capacity whereas the Yamuna Vihar based plants have 25 MGD and 10 MGD capacity. 

“All these four plants have been achieving their targets. On average, for the last four months, the 16 MGD Okhla plant has been recording 5 PPM BOD and 8 PPM TSS levels. These are well below the targeted values that DJB wants to achieve," the official added. 

The objective of the 45 MGD plant in Kundli, Okhla was to reduce the levels of Hydrogen Sulphides, which is a major cause of bad odour, and Phosphates in the sewage water. 

“The TSS levels at the 25 MGD plant in Yamuna Vihar before this intervention were 125 PPM. It has now come down to 8 PPM. BOD levels used to be 90 PPM which have now come down to 7 PPM. At the 10 MGD plant, the TSS used to be 24-25 PPM, now reduced to 7 PPM. The BOD levels have gone down from 20 PPM to 4 PPM," the official said. 

Chemical dosing is the process of treating wastewater with chemicals such as iron, aluminium and even some salts to remove the high levels of chemicals present in it. It is done in controlled amounts to remove unwanted elements from the wastewater and make them usable again. 

The water after the treatment from the plants is released in Yamuna and is also being used for rejuvenation of lakes around the city, irrigation and construction.

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