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OFFSHORE WIND: A new Rhode Island law pushes the state’s decarbonization plans forward by requiring PPL Corp. to buy up to 1 GW of offshore wind power in a procurement process that needs to start before mid-October. (Providence Business News)
EFFICIENCY: • In Connecticut, a new state program will help homeowners address barriers keeping efficiency contractors from moving ahead with weatherization projects, such as mold, asbestos and other hazards. (Energy News Network) • Appliance efficiency requirements mandated this week in New York could save building owners billions of dollars by 2035. (Observer-Dispatch) • Maryland energy officials grant almost $700,000 to seven public school districts for emissions reductions and efficiency measures. (news release)
CLIMATE: New York City releases an updated flood map incorporating models for future sea level rise and more intense storms due to climate change. (The City)
NUCLEAR: Federal environmental officials tell the company decommissioning Massachusetts’ Pilgrim nuclear power plant that interpreting its water permit to mean it can dump 1 million gallons of wastewater into Cape Cod Bay is incorrect. (Boston Globe)
POLLUTION: New York will use over two dozen Toyota Priuses equipped with air-monitoring technology to identify “micro-problems” at street-level and inform anti-pollution policy. (Spectrum News)
GRID: Maine regulators approve using demand management and battery storage systems as non-wire alternatives to help handle peak power demand for Central Maine Power customers in the Brunswick area at a lower cost than new transmission lines. (Portland Press Herald)
TRANSIT: • New York City’s comptroller reports that while the city’s ferry service fares were $2.75 per trip last year, the actual cost of the ride was $12.88, meaning taxpayers subsidized much more than previously revealed. (Gothamist) • New York and New Jersey agree on funding for a new rail bridge traversing the Hackensack River that services New York City and a new tunnel, as well as repairs on an existing tunnel. (Hudson Reporter)
ELECTRIC VEHICLES: Pennsylvania boating officials want to update electric boat motor regulations because as the technology grows more powerful, the motors are causing wakes in no-wake zones. (Daily American)
GAS: In Maine, officials highlight construction progress on a $20 million anaerobic dairy digester that will use local cows’ manure to produce gas. (Morning Sentinel)
CLEAN ENERGY: Vermont regulators plan to examine the state’s renewable and clean power policies to make sure programs are guiding it toward a decarbonized grid. (news release)
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Bridget is a freelance reporter and newsletter writer based in the Washington, D.C., area. She compiles the Northeast Energy News digest. Bridget primarily writes about energy, conservation and the environment. Originally from Philadelphia, she graduated from Emerson College in 2015 with a degree in journalism and a minor in environmental studies. When she isn’t working on a story, she’s normally on a northern Maine lake or traveling abroad to practice her Spanish language skills.
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