Initially, Rania Naura Anindhita noticed the behavior of durian fans.To reduce the smell of durian, they usually clean their hands with water that is poured into the hollow of the inner skin.The incident sparked an idea, Rania, who knows the smell of garbage can be removed with the material from the garbage itself.“I then collect literature, I practice.I took a quality test with the Sidoarjo Environment and Hygiene Service, measuring BOD and COD, and nitrogen concentration in leachate," said this 2019 International Undergraduate Program (IUP) student at the Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University (UGM).After being given the resulting solution, it turned out that the BOD, COD, and nitrogen values showed a significant decrease.Pure leachate, which previously exceeded the threshold, has entered the threshold set by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.To eliminate the smell of garbage, Rania actually uses the leachate itself.He obtained the leachate from the Jabon Sidoarjo TPA.He supplemented the liquid with catalysts and other materials.Be a liquid odor neutralizing garbage.Her name is eco leachate.How it works, eco leachate converts microorganism proteins that release pungent odors to become odorless.Leachate or leachate is a solution of waste that is exposed to water from outside, for example, rainwater.Organic and inorganic compounds from dissolved waste.Thick color, odor, and contact with the skin can cause itching.Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is the oxygen needed by microorganisms to oxidize chemical compounds.Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is the amount of oxygen to break down organic matter in water.Nitrogen is an ammonium-forming element that causes the smell of garbage.There are still other odor triggers, namely methane gas and hydrogen sulfide gas from waste decomposition.When Rania tested it at the Sidoarjo TPA, the smell that residents often complained about around the garbage disposal site disappeared.Not only that, the ponds not far from the usual landfill were affected by leachate, after the landfill was sprayed with eco leachate there were no dead fish in the ponds.“Before, the smell of garbage was strong.Causes nausea.After spraying the smell is reduced or even gone.The process is fast, about 10 minutes from the smell so it doesn't smell, "said Rania, last Friday, JuneBad odors also attract animals such as flies and mice.Both are vectors of disease.So, eliminating the smell of garbage can reduce disease-carrying animals.Rania did not do the research alone.He was assisted by the Sidoarjo DLHK team.The trial starts in early 2021. Initially, he practiced in his backyard, in Prasung Village, Buduran, Sidoarjo.After running for about six months, in December 2021, encouraging results began to appear.Eco leachate material is fairly simple, some can come from around.First, leachate from the trash.Second, zuur battery water or sulfuric acid that can be purchased at auto parts stores or repair shops.Third, molasses or molasses juice.Molasses is usually a waste of the sugar industry.Fourth, biocatalyst.The materials were then mixed with a ratio of five parts leachate, two parts molasses, one part zuur battery water, and three parts biocatalyst.Mix the ingredients into a bowl.Always wear safety equipment such as plastic gloves when mixing.Because zuur battery water is corrosive and can make holes in the fabric.After mixing the ingredients, they are sprayed onto the smelly garbage heap.It won't take long for the smell of garbage to go away.“The availability of materials depends on regional conditions.In Yogyakarta, it is quite difficult to find leachate.I went to TPST Piyungan, the processing model is different from that in Sidoarjo.In Sidoarjo there is leachate, so water collects.In Yogyakarta, the waste processing area is quite dry.”According to Rania, the process of making eco leachate is economical and the production process does not take long.“For one tank of eco leachate, the price of molasses is only Rp. 5,000-Rp.7,000.Zuur battery water on the market is around Rp. 7,000.The leachate can be free.At TPS, the cost for one month is around Rp. 2 million.”According to him, if you use other waste deodorizers, the production can take three weeks, even months.With eco leachate it can be fast and can be on a large scale.One liter of eco leachate can be used for several months.So far, Rania and her team have tested it at TPS Sidoarjo, various TPSTs, both government and private, livestock, as well as markets.“The average response is positive.I also periodically check what kind of eco leachate effect.The result is good.I hope this can be a solution to overcome the smell of garbage that is often complained of.”From experience when practicing at the Sidoarjo TPS, 10 liters of eco leachate are needed for every incoming garbage disposal.For households, one liter of eco leachate can be mixed with water and then sprayed on the smelly garbage as needed.“During the trial in Sidoarjo, initially the eco leachate mixture was placed in a closed container in the form of a tank with a capacity of 5,000 liters.It is watered from the tank, usually using a city park watering tank car.”Every day Rania and her team can make 10,000 liters of leachate that has been mixed with eco leachate.In a month, you can make about 1,000 liters of eco leachate.“Initially, make 1,000 liters as the starter.Take about 70 liters into a 5,000 liter tank, then mixed.Sprayed into the garbage heap at the TPS.The schedule is to spray twice a day, with a 5000 liter tank, which contains a mixture of leachate and eco leachate.This can be for a volume of around 600 tons of waste.”So far, he said, leachate water in the Sidoarjo TPA was treated in several ways, then flowed into rivers.According to Rania, the BOD and COD values are still high even though they are safe.After being treated with eco leachate, the number decreased significantly.“So there is a new way to treat leachate.So far it's quite expensive.If it can be turned into a new product that at the same time can solve the waste problem, I think this is quite economical and environmentally friendly," said Rania.Pramono Hadi, Head of the Center for Environmental Studies at UGM, said that the effectiveness of using eco leachate for neutralizing the smell of garbage really depends on the scale factor.It may not be effective for small or very large sizes so it still needs more careful calculations.As a comparison, he gave an example of using magot to break down waste.Rania's findings are commendable.In Sidoarjo, Rania's innovations received appreciation from the Regent Ahmad Muhdlor Ali.He received the Trash Control Heroes award on January 30 last.The Ministry of Environment and Forestry has regulations for leachate quality standards for final waste processing sites, Permen LHK Number 59 issued 2016.In that regulation, the highest level for BOD is 150 milligrams per liter.COD 300 milligrams per liter.For the element N by 60 grams per liter.Other parameters measured were pH, TSS (total suspended solid), mercury, and cadmium.While the groundwater quality assessment monitored at monitoring wells includes physical and chemical parameters.Physical parameters include odor, amount of dissolved solids, turbidity, taste, temperature, to color.Chemical parameters include, organic chemistry and microbiology.Microbiological parameters measured were fecal coliform and total coliform per 100 milliliters.Unlike the leachate quality standard threshold, there is no threshold set in the ministerial regulation for the parameters measured in monitoring wells.With this regulation, the governor has the authority to issue stricter local leachate quality standards.Pramono said leachate is quite safe if it is associated with the content of micro-organisms, such as coli bacteria.Leachate becomes dangerous if it contains toxic, heavy metals, or radioactive elements.If these elements are dissolved, for example exposed to rain water, they have the potential to pollute the environment and cause harm.“In the past, we were taught that to make a well the distance must be 10 meters from the septic tank.That's actually so that if the septic tank breaks, cracks, or leaks, the well is safe.The septic tank contains coli bacteria.From research, the coli bacteria can only move a maximum of three meters," he said when contacted by Mongabay.If leachate, for example, is exposed to coli bacteria, it is certain that it will not escape through infiltration.If there are heavy metal elements, radioactive isotopes, then these elements can be dissolved into water sources, both deep and surface water.“If in mapping an area, for example, there is groundwater, wells, coli, it must be the source of direct splashes or leaks.Not from the groundwater system.For example, the network system is damaged, that causes the wells to not be properly protected, such as old wells, that has high coli content.”So far, leachate treatment plants have only reduced precipitation and captured harmful elements.Leachate infiltration into the soil is still considered quite safe.Regarding the smell from the garbage heap, he said, it occurs naturally due to the process of oxidation and decomposition.So far, the average waste in Indonesia is wet waste.Until the formation of leachate becomes a natural consequence.Moreover, the model of the landfill here is in the form of a sanitary landfill, which is piled up layer by layer.So, most likely will be exposed to rain water.This water washes away waste and carries away decaying material.As long as you don't bring heavy metals, toxic or radioactive materials or just bring organic materials, you don't have to worry.Pramono gave an example, domestic wastewater treatment processes feces, but the treated water can be drunk.“This means that the process of processing waste into safe water is very possible.Leachate is rarely treated.Usually it is only accommodated, reduced by sediment, once it is good, put it in the river or something.At least to reduce the smell of chlorine given."In fact, he said, there are many ways to reduce the smell of leachate.Biologically, some plants are known to absorb odors.For example, water hyacinth.Even this plant is able to improve water quality.Chemically, leachate can also be restored to water quality with chlorine.This element will bind the odor through the coagulation process.So, water quality improves.Some people have also used the leachate sediment for fertilizer.The trick is to add lime to the sediment so that the NPK element is rich.