New Electrochemistry Bench Meters Simplify pH, Conductivity and DO Measu...
Find your Science and Technology Solution this September
WITec Jubilee Celebrates 25 Years of Innovation
Chromatography Column Packs Support Protein Purification Workflows
Smart Laboratories - The Future of the Lab
Expanded Range of OES Analysis Tools
Glassco introduces its new BOD bottles. These BOD bottles are for incubating diluted samples of clean water, waster water, effluent water and polluted water during the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) test. These BOD bottles feature a flared mouth to form a water seal to prevent the ingress of air during incubation. The interchangeable stoppers have a tapered bot tom that also prevents air entrapment.
The stopper joint with BOD bottles is compatible with the probes of leading BOD and DO meters. Bottles have large, permanent marking squares. Featuring the best quality of glass on the market, BOD bottles are manufactured from high-quality Borosilicate tubing; this type of glass makes them much less susceptible to etching when compared to traditional BOD bottles.
Bottles meet ASTM E-438 Type 1, Class A Borosilicate Glass specifications. These bottles come in numbered and un-numbered version and also in penny head or robotic stopper.
Easy to use, reliable and compact, bringing versatility to academic and water quality laboratories Thermo Fisher Scientific have launched a new line of el...
Between purchasing equipment, stocking up on supplies and paying staff salaries, setting up a laboratory is an expensive endeavour. Laboratory startup packag...
Does everyone in your lab follow the most basic and important biosafety rules? Well, now there’s no excuse for them not to. Integra Biosciences has produce...
Fast, easy, safe and precise filtration for your lab Wiggens vacuum filtration systems allow easier, faster, safer and more precise through the use in su...
In This Edition Chromatography - Automated Sample Preparation:The Missing Hyphen to Hypernation - New Low Volume Air Sampler for PFAS Analysis - Analytical Intelligence Starts with the Samp...
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