With the acquisition of Seres, Swan extends its portfolio of measuring instruments to a new high concentration online TOC meter for boiler water.After UV oxidation and a low dose addition of persulphate, the TOC concentration is detected by NDIR (Non Dispersive Infrared).The measurement range covers from 0 to 100 ppm or even 1000 ppm with sample dilution.S::CAN is mainly positioned on TOC measurements for surface water, drinking water and waste water.The advantage of the proposed system is that it relies entirely on optical technology which requires no reagents or little maintenance.The company works mainly with water treaters, such as Suez, Veolia or Saur, as well as with local authorities, and research centers such as BRGM which carry out impact studies on groundwater.Finally, S::CAN intervenes with industrialists for the control of effluents.Big advantage of the devices offered by S::CAN, they allow other measurements such as turbidity, nitrates, COD and BOD, and dissolved organics.All of these measurements require only one probe, which can be advantageous for customers.The company has developed in recent years an LED spectrometer for simple drinking water applications, for example for the measurement of TOC combined with turbidity.In this case, the emitted spectrum is limited to a few wavelengths.And S::CAN is preparing to market a new spectrometer, using the entire UV-visible spectrum like the other devices, but with a faster response time and which can be managed remotely with a tablet or smartphone. .To make sure not to miss any variation in the TOC level, it can be useful to have measurements at all times.This is how Lar, distributed by Anael, has developed a new ultrapure water analyzer for the pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries: the QuickTOCtrace.The latter uses the differential monitoring of conductivity before and after UV oxidation of the effluent, in less than 30 s.Mettler Toledo Thornton's 6000TOCi Analyzer leverages conductivity measurements before and after UV oxidation of the sample to provide continuous, real-time TOC measurements.Mettler Toledo's UV oxidation technology ensures a measurement in less than a minute.Combined with the M800 multiparameter transmitter, the system meets all the requirements of world pharmacopoeias.The 6000TOCi's built-in Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM®) diagnostics provide continuous insight into analyzer status and display preventive maintenance notifications that allow users to anticipate and plan routine interventions.“What is also interesting with this method is that we can look at the UV spectrum of the sample, which is compared to a UV model corresponding to the nature of the water analyzed, and thus deduce the presence of certain molecules” continues Séverine Goulette.“Provided we know which molecules are produced by an industry, for example, we can deduce those present in the water and which constitute the TOC”.Aqualabo works with customers located in Asia, Vietnam, China, where these technologies are very popular because they are simple to implement.Their products are offered for monitoring water quality, or for urban wastewater treatment plants.In France, the company works with local authorities, water authorities, operators such as Suez, Veolia or Saur, and manufacturers in the fields of petrochemicals and agri-food.Another advantage of these analyzers is that four measurement points can be installed with the same device, so it is possible to analyze 4 different samples on a single site.This characteristic makes it possible, for example, to analyze different production outputs on the same site.On a purification basin, it is possible to take measurements at the entrance and exit of the basin, with a single device, without having to use two probes."And we try to be cheaper than our competitors on the price of devices" continues Séverine Goulette.“The cost of our equipment is around 8,000 euros”.The Hach Biotector advanced oxidation method is a significant evolution for continuous TOC analysis.It offers a significant oxidation power with the implementation of hydroxyl radicals while being simple to implement with soda and compressed air as utilities.Remaining an analysis at room temperature, there are no deposits of salts in the reactor, reducing maintenance and the downtime rate.The volume of sample injected into the reactor is several milliliters where other methods are limited to a few tens of microliters.Again, this reduces maintenance and breakdowns with larger pipe diameters and operation without a filter on the sample.“This analysis method enables continuous evolution of TOC analysis for all applications,” explains Jean-Pierre Molinier, process specialist at Hach.Where the measurement was simply feasible, on drinking water or condensates for example, it now brings unprecedented autonomy of 6 months without any intervention on the analyzer.Where TOC measurement required significant maintenance efforts, these are reduced with a certified availability rate of 99.86%.Finally, applications prohibited for on-line analysis due to clogging are now possible, such as analysis in raw effluents from agri-food industries to reduce material losses with a very short return on investment”.For industrial applications, Endress+Hauser offers a CA72TOC analyzer that uses thermal oxidation to measure TOC.The device operates at 850 degrees, which makes it possible to measure all carbon compounds, regardless of the length of the carbon chain.A particular effort was made on the maintenance of the apparatus, a stage of collection and trapping of the salts makes it possible to avoid obstructions of the system and increases the autonomy of the analyzer.For in-line installations, Shimadzu offers a thermocatalytic oxidation system for industrial effluents and municipal water treatment plants.“We work with quite a variety of clients, ranging from industries to public bodies,” explains Christian Consolino.“In recent years, the instruments have not evolved so much, rather we have improved software, which warns when maintenance is needed, or if a catalyst or a reagent needs to be changed.In the pharmaceutical or cosmetics industry, data integrity is improved: the software makes it possible to ensure that the measurement has been acquired correctly, and that everything has been done according to the rules.The instrument part doesn't change, it's everything around it that evolves.The same goes for the samplers, which are notably equipped with an integrated homogenizer, which allows the samples to be mixed well and to offer up to 6 analysis channels on the same instrument”.Copyrights © 2022 All Rights Reserved by Revue EIN