, Bekasi City - Member of Commission II of the Bekasi City DPRD Agus Rohadi regrets the leachate contamination from the Sumur Batu TPA and Bantar Gebang TPST which has disturbed local residents."People are already restless, including in Perum Dukuh Zamrud and Perum MGT and some have polluted water sources. This will spread again if left without a solution," said the politician from the National Mandate Party.Wednesday (10/8/2022).Agus Rohadi said that the condition of the water in the river around the Bantar Gebang TPST and Sumur Batu TPA is also in a worrying condition.His party asked the local government to overcome this and take precautions so that it does not spread and have a bad impact on the health of local residents."The Bekasi City Government must immediately overcome the pollution. Do not let it spread and have a bad impact on the health of residents," he hoped.Just to note, based on the information that has been collected, at a certain time, a number of pollutants are channeled through the river and cause an unpleasant odor.Especially during floods, this polluted water also overflows into people's homes.The Bantar Gebang and Sumur Batu TPA areas, along with the Waste Treatment Plant, warehouse area and waste processing industry are also suspected of contributing to the widespread pollution.From November 2021 to February 2022, together with a team from PMO TKPR Jabodetabekpunjur, a test and study of the water quality of the Cijambe river was carried out.The study was conducted based on the results of tests carried out at 9 points along the Cijambe river to the Bantar Gebang TPA and Sumur Batu areas.This step is carried out to determine the source of pollution, and to make recommendations for strategic steps that need to be taken, considering that this river is also used directly by the community for fish cultivation, animal husbandry and community plantation activities, and has the potential to contaminate groundwater that is consumed and used daily. day by the local community.In this study, 14 water quality parameters were tested, namely Turbidity, Dissolved Solids (TDS), Suspended Solids (TSS), pH, Total Chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb), Ammonia (NH3), Phosphate (P), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Detergents, Oils and Fats, organic substances (KMnO4), and Total Coliform.Water sampling is located in the Cijambe River flow such as Bantar Gebang TPA, Sumur Batu TPA, Jl.Griya Alam Sentosa, Jl.Pangkalan V, Hamlet Emerald Area, Jl.Sakura 2, toll crossing, as well as Bekasi Timur Regency River branches and Cipete River branches.Of the 14 parameters tested, 7 of them (TDS, NH3, P, BOD, COD, Cr, and Total Coliform) have exceeded the quality standard of PP No.22 of 2021 Class 2 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management, and 2 other parameters (turbidity and KMnO4) have exceeded the quality standard of Minister of Health Regulation No.492 of 2010 concerning Drinking Water Quality Requirements.Parameters TDS, Ammonia (NH3), and Phosphate (P) were found in water samples from the Bantar Gebang TPA and Sumur Batu TPA.TDS is the total solids dissolved in water which is an indicator of the number of particles/substances, both organic and non-inorganic compounds.In large quantities, TDS will interfere with microorganisms in the river.Ammonia is an inorganic nitrogen that is soluble in water, can come from the oxidation of organic substances and waste from community activities, and if there is more than 0.2 mg/l it will poison several types of fish and aquatic biota.Meanwhile, the large amount of phosphate in the water will harm the organisms in the water because the oxygen concentration decreases, and reduce the aesthetic value of the river because of the unpleasant odor it causes.The number of parameters found in water samples from the landfill proves that the presence of the landfill greatly affects the ammonia and phosphate content in the waters.While the water samples from Jl.Griya Alam Sentosa, Jl.Pangkalan V, Hamlet Emerald Area, and Jl.Sakura 2;the content of these three parameters is not as much as the water sample from the landfill, but still exceeds the quality standard which may be caused by self-purification efforts in river water.Parameters of organic matter, BOD, and COD were mostly found in water samples from the Bantar Gebang TPA and Sumur Batu TPA, as well as samples from the Dukuh Zamrud area.The organic substances in question can be sourced from nature (such as decaying plants or organisms) or from waste disposal activities by humans, and water is not safe for consumption if it has been contaminated with a lot of organic substances.(*)