What Are Chile’s 'Sacrifice Zones'?
IoT gives insights into your water systems and processes
Combustion measurement technology for every industrial process
Gas sensor specialists continue to improve selectivity and precision
Predicted growth of 1,140% in roaming IoT Connections by 2027, as Operat...
Hazardous Materials: Spills and Soil Contamination – an ION Science we...
Air silica detector for respirable crystalline silica (RCS) in dust mixt...
Agilent Technologies Inc. have acquired Virtual Control’s ACIES advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology, which has been developed for innovative analysis solutions in lab testing. ACIES will be integrated into Agilent’s gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GS/MS) platforms to enhance productivity, efficiency and accuracy at the many high-throughput labs they serve worldwide. Agilent have obtained the software and other assets associated with ACIES; core members of the ACIES team have now joined Agilent.
ACIES automates the laborious job of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry data analysis making laboratory workflow far more efficient throughout the whole process from sampling to reporting. ACIES will be integrated into Agilent’s MassHunter software package for LC/MS and GC/MS analysers. This latest acquisition will be of significant benefit to labs in the food testing, agricultural, and environmental sectors.
Trolex were recent awarded the Gold Award for Best Product Development at the recent UK Business Awards 2022. The award was given to Trolex in recognitio...
Blackline Safety Corp. has announced a deal worth £1.3 million with Severn Trent Water, the UK’s second largest water company, for connected personal gas...
On Monday, a plebiscite in Chile on the adoption of a new constitution decided overwhelmingly (61.8%) in favour of rejection, maintaining the status quo. Mo...
Headed by a specialist team with over two decades of experience, Lab Solutions leads the market in automated chemistry analysis with hands-on knowledge of th...
In This Edition Business News - New technology for water quality monitoring receives prestigious award - Water-i.d. invests EUR 3 million in new premises - QED Environmental Systems partner...
World Water Congress & Exhibition
11th St Petersburg International Gas Forum
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