8 Things We Wish We Knew Before Starting Unsighted

2022-05-28 07:04:44 By : Ms. Aurdury FU

Before retro and indie game lovers dive deep into Unsighted, there are a few things to know about the game and its features.

Unsighted comes from Studio Pixel Punk. This is their first game which is being published by Humble Games who knows a thing or two about finding new indie studios to nurture out there. One other example from 2021 is Pocket Trap who released Dodgeball Academia.

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History aside on this new Switch game, Unsighted stars Alma. She is a robot who wakes up with amnesia in the ruins of an abandoned city. She slowly starts to regain her memory on her quest to save her friends, find five magical crystals, and put a stop to the human uprising once and for all. Let's share some quick tips for this new game that is a little like Mega Man X meets The Legend of Zelda.

There are three difficulties in the game at the start: Explorer, Action Girl, and Robot Apocalypse. Unlike other games, once this difficulty is chosen that is it. That is why Explorer mode is recommended because it opens up a lot of possibilities.

Once the game starts, players can go into a new menu to see options to slow down time, make combat easier, turn on invincibility, and to increase stamina. Leaving these options turned off will be like the middle difficulty so all around Explorer makes Unsighted a very accessible game.

Unsighted has a good drop-in and drop-out co-op feature. It is local only which is a shame for some gamers that like to play with friends online. This is the type of game that is better with a friend or loved one on the couch anyway so it makes sense why online is absent. On any difficulty, this game can get overwhelming which is why having a partner helps out especially with some of the puzzle sections.

This game has a meter that slowly ticks down with the in-game clock. Once it hits zero that is it for Alma and players alike. Meteor Dust is like an extra healing item that allows Alma to keep going. It is quite rare.

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NPCs also have a timer and they too can become obsolete. The Explorer difficulty will reduce this countdown which is nice for those that can’t find Meteor Dust easily. If given to an NPC their bond will build with Alma which can lead to gifts or even discounts in shops so players should choose their friends wisely.

Instead of equipping typical armor sets like in other action RPGs, Unsighted has chips. Each chip is different and boosts a certain stat for Alma or grants an ability. For example, a good early one to get is the Vampire Chip.

Every time players kill three enemies they will heal a point of health. Bosses often drop cannon fodder so this chip allows players to heal in a pinch if they are fast enough. It’s a good idea to favor ability chips like this rather than to equip stat booster chips. Also, don’t forget to expand the slots.

There have been parries or counterattacks set up in many games before this, but Unsighted might have one of the more satisfying implementations. Combat in general is very tight but what makes it the most fun is the aforementioned parry.

If players time it just right they can not only stun their opponent but also strike for critical damage. Some enemies that seemingly take forever to kill can instead go down in a few hits. Learn to parry and players will soon become robot gods like the Blue Bomber.

This game has a lot in common with the Zelda series but it also has some Metroidvania elements as well. Players will pick up certain skills or items along the way that can help Alma reach new areas. The shuriken is like the boomerang in the Zelda games except that it can be controlled to hit switches.

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Players might not realize this but they can drop up to thirty pins on the map. Whenever something is impossible to get around, they should drop a pin on the map and also take a screenshot. This should help players remember places to return to easier.

There is one main currency in the game in the form of bolts. It’s a good idea not to waste money on weapons, ingredients, or chips. More often than not players will come across better ones in the fiend or in dungeons anyway. Players should instead focus on buying blueprints and using bolts to upgrade weapons. There’s actually a way to trick the game in regard to saving bolts.

Blueprints are not needed to create weapons. The patterns can be replicated without them. Players can save the game, make a copy file, but the blueprint in that file, take a screenshot and then jump back into their main game to create the item. It’s not as complicated as it sounds.

This game is not a roguelike in any way except that it has a corpse-run feature like Dark Souls. When players die they will leave behind a small percentage of bolts. Players can get these bolts back if they make it to where they died.

It’s nice that not everything gets lost initially unlike most Souls-like games. Even though that is the case it is still a good thing to know so that death isn’t a surprise. Also, there is a chip, the Wallet Chip, that prevents bolts from being lost so look out for that.

Unsighted was released on September 30, 2021, and is available on Switch and PC.

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Tristan Jurkovich began his career as a journalist in 2011. His childhood love of video games and writing fuel his passion for archiving this great medium’s history. He dabbles in every genre, but he’s particularly fond of RPGs and portable consoles. Aside from writing, Tristan also produces a plethora of videos on his YouTube Channel, ReActionExaminer. Check it out!