In this article you will find information about: BOSKALIS,HAL has officially launched the takeover bid for Boskalis.This was announced Friday morning.It concerns an offer of EUR 32.50 per share including dividend, or EUR 32.00 excluding the dividend of EUR 0.50 per share that was paid in May.The offer period runs from June 27 to September 2.HAL already owns a 52.9 percent stake in Boskalis.If HAL acquires an interest of 95 percent or more, Boskalis will be delisted.If the stake is greater than 80 but less than 95 percent, a stock market exit is considered.Boskalis said earlier this month that it was not completely satisfied with the price offered by HAL and is therefore not recommending the offer to its shareholders.There have been talks with HAL to increase the offer, but the investor is not in favor of that.All in all, Boskalis decided, in the interest of all shareholders, to present the intended offer in a neutral manner in terms of price, thereby giving shareholders the opportunity to tender their shares if they so wish.Boskalis and HAL did reach agreement on the non-financial conditions, which include strategy, organization and employees.Boskalis itself announced in a press release on Friday that it had taken note of the official launch of the offer.The maritime service provider also said it would publish the agenda for an extraordinary shareholders' meeting shortly.During this meeting, the Boskalis Executive Board and Supervisory Board will discuss the offer, including the financial and non-financial aspects.Boskalis said on Friday that it would also publish its position statement regarding the offer.The BOSKALIS share price is quoted live on € * with a difference of % .The high of the day is at € * with the low at € * .Update, Mergers_and_acquisitions, Amx_fonds, Ascx_fondsAccsys: in conversation with CEO Rob HarrisETF of the Week: InfrastructureThis stock is too cheapThis is why the stock market is now fallingBESI: Short term uncertain, future rosyBecome a member and get direct access to our Premium (video) content