Mercury as a Global Pollutant Conference
New sensor technology provides on-site laboratory standard turbidity mea...
Spills and soil contamination webinar set for 20th April
A case that won’t be cracked ensures protection of instrumentation and...
Crowcon enters the air quality market
LAR's BioMonitor is an online BOD analyzer for the determination of the total biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). The analyzers' functional principle is similar to a miniature biological waste water treatment plant. The waste water to be tested is mixed with the plant's own activated sludge and air and continuously passed through a multistage measurement cascade. Upon exiting the cascade, the residual oxygen is measured with an oxygen sensor. Due to the usage of the plant's own sludge, the BioMonitor delivers direct information on the treatment processes and thus, allows the highest applicability on the real process. In contrast to the commonly used BOD5 measurement, that needs 5 days and measures the carbonaceous-BOD only, LAR's BOD analyzer determines the Total-BOD of a sample within minutes. The total-BOD reflects the degradation of nitrogen as well as carbon compounds. The fast and representative BOD analysis allows operators to control their waste water treatment effectively. Moreover, due to nutrient dosage and/or aeration strategies enormous cost savings can be realized.
The 15th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP) will be themed “Reducing Mercury Emissions to achieve a Greener World”. The...
Hiden Analytical have launched the new pQA portable quadrupole analyser, a highly versatile mass spectrometer with a range of interchangeable sampling...
Hiden Analytical are celebrating 40th years of excellence in the field of mass spectrometry. Hiden have thrived thanks to their focus on customer and applica...
Expand the Power of Your Flash and Prep Systems to Perform Complex Separations at Higher Sensitivity with Optional Built-In Thermo-Split™ ELSD...
In This Edition Business News - Mercury emissions in India and Indonesia - Agilent acquires artificial intelligence technology to enhance lab productivity - Michael Privik succeeds Dr. Chri...
Globe Forum Vancouver 2022 - NEW DATES
Mar 29 2022 Vancouver, Canada & online
Bio360 Expo - NEW DATES
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